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2025 Vision Board and Goals

2025 Vision Board

Deep down I’ve always been one of those girls who believe in the “New Year, New me” mantra, although if we were together in real life I would never say that out loud. I view a new year like a new book in the series that is my life, and whilst I might find myself daydreaming some days about disappearing and completely changing my identity like I’m the main character in a best selling thriller, the reality is much more tame.

Each year I have a tradition that I do every December between Christmas and New Year. I get an A3 card from Hobby Craft, sit down and work on goals I want to achieve this year. Using those goals I then take to Pinterest to find related images, and create a vision board for the year. Once complete the Vision board is put up on the back of my bedroom door. This forces me to see it and remember my goals every time I leave the room.

2025 for me is a year to reset, strip back down to the basics that make me happy. Create realistic goals that I can achieve. The priority for me is to recover from 2024 and take better care of my mental health.

My Goals for 2025

  1. Make the most of my mornings. On work from home days I’m guilty of staying asleep until the last possible moment. If I start at 9:00am you best believe I’m not getting out of my bed until 10 minutes before. This year I plan to start waking up at 7:00am and make the most of those two hours before work. Whether that is working on the blog, going out on a walk or taking the time to actually make myself a healthy breakfast.
  2. Have a workout routine that I actually stick to. I won’t deceive you and say I only want to work out for fun and I don’t care about losing weight. Because that’s not true. I do want to lose weight. I always start out going to the gym five times a week in January and find by the end of week two I’m burnt out and raid the chocolate aisle at Tesco’s. This year I want to prioritise a fitness habit that I can actually maintain.
  3. Spend more time with the people I care about. I have a habit of locking myself away and not interacting with the people I love. I’m an introvert at heart and there is nothing I love more than being in my own company. For 2025 I want to spend more time with friends and family making memories. I want organise more date nights with my boyfriend, days out with my friends and game nights with my family. I want to find the balance between socialising and not draining my social battery to the point I exhaust myself.
  4. Start Blogging again. If you are reading this post then I have already made a start on this one. Back when I was in my late teens and early twenties I loved blogging. I loved going to blogging events and meeting other people. It gave me a purpose in a time, when looking back, I felt quite lonely. I have found myself over the years longing to come back and post. This year I want to dedicate part of my time and energy to posting consistently here.
  5. Making self-care a priority. 2024 was a difficult year when it came to my mental health and anxiety. Going forward I want to build the foundation of my day around self-care and mindfulness. Starting with creating a night time routine to help me de-stress and get a good nights sleep.
  6. Learn how to throw pottery. This has been on my mind for awhile. It is a craft medium that I haven’t really experienced but interests me. There is a pottery company near me that offer a 3 hour beginner session for £80 where you learn the basics. I love the idea of being able to throw my own dinner set. Ambitious I know.
  7. Travel more. I already have a trip to Orlando booked with my boyfriend in September but this year I’d like to do more short breaks, whether that is within the UK or further afield.

Do you have any new years resolutions or goals for this year? Let me know in the comments below.

With love,

Sian xx

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